Saturday, November 29, 2014

Dear Buffy,

Hi B!

This last week I've been feeling... (what if I just ended the letter there? ha.) feeling a lot like Willow season six dealing with her magic addiction. I feel like I just said, "I'm stronger than this. I can beat this." (About my foods problems, not literal magic.) Of course, Will was 21 when she went through that and I'm 27.... ugh.... I wouldn't be judging anyone else if they went through what I go through, and yet I'm so hard on myself. And, it's not like I crashed a car with my mind and broke the arm of anyone's kid sister. I am my own kid's sister. (That would be a great band name.) I feel like you just hid all of my magic stuff and took away all of my crystals and candles but Amy the ex-rat is still lurking about.

It's not my fricking birthday.

love, Babs

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