Friday, March 10, 2017

Dear Buffy happy Buffy Birthday

Dear Buffy,

Hey Buffy buddy! Happy 20 year anniversary!!!!!! Thank you for everything you've done for me, and for women everywhere!

Here are some things that you (Buffy) have done that have helped me in my life:

1. Taught me that loving others and being full of love and compassion is the greatest strength
2. Taught me that we need friends and family and reaching out to others
3. But also, that it's okay to take alone time
4. Exemplified altruism
5. Gave me the strength to finally wear leopard print
6. Allowed me to make fun of myself, other people, and laugh even when I'm sad (which is often. As Cordelia would say, I'm kinda a "little cry-buffy.")
7. Taught everyone that fighting for what you believe in is the only option, and you always have to try.
8. Reminded us that those with privilege need to stand up for those with less
9. Got me really into witch stuff and werewolf stuff
10. Taught me never to try to control another person, to respect everyone's consent
11. Reminded me that it was always okay to be sad or to be different, as long as you weren't hurting anyone
12. Taught me about relativity
13. Showed the world that super heroes can come in any package.

Thank you for everything.You empower women.That's saving the world. I hope to be like you when I grow up.

love, Babs

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Dear Buffy,

Hey B! Happy International Women's Day!

I just want to say thank you for everything you've done to empower women in the last twenty years. Thanks for using the scythe to share your power with all women, instead of keeping the slayer abilities all to yourself. Thank you for being brave, strong, and full of love in the face of both evil and confusing moral ambiguity. Thank you for teaching me that compassion and love are a type of strength and that they give strength to others. I'm sorry that so much terrible stuff has happened, and keeps happening. I'm so sorry you and so many other amazing women have had to survive so much toxic masculinity (Angel, Riley, Xander) and assault (pre-ensouled Spike). Thank you for being one of the most altruistic women ever and letting your light give light to others. I hope in a few years everything is better and you can just chill out on a beach drinking margaritas and eating yummy sushi with (hopefully prophecy fulfilled) Spike.  

I want to be like you for other women when I grow up. (Even though now I'm older than you.)
You save the world a lot.
